02/09/2019 – Times Ticking…

This year has flown by and I’ve neglected my blog due to using social media for quick and easy posts. I do hope to get back on my blog to just update myself on a weekly basis. The last 6 weeks have been all over the place due to the school holidays and my lack of consistent training and diet has definitely set me back. I’ve stuck to my plant based diet, but a lot of it has been processed quick food. I am back on my healthy nutritious diet now though, so hopefully things will improve for me.

I went on a bike ride to the gym today and it was a real struggle. My fitness is down and I was exhausted trying to train legs. This will all come back within a week or 2 once I flush the alcohol out of my system, get some good sleep and clean my diet up. I haven’t put any ‘weight’ on over the holiday, but I have lost strength. Once I start training well again, my weight will go up a bit and my body fat will most likely stay the same. I’d like to say I’m holding lots of water, but it’s definitely fat. It’s ok though, the trade off with memories outweighs the slight set back in fitness. A good 4 weeks and I’ll surpass the beginning of the holidays.

I still have a few weekends away with he kids and that will involve drinking a few pints, so I can’t give it my all until after that. In the mean time I can though and that’s what I plan to do.

Each Saturday when I’m at home I will take my measurements, a picture and my weight.

Each gym session I will use a note pad to write down my weights, sets and how I feel.

I will prepare my meals with set intervals to help me stick to my diet.

Let’s see how this goes…

But it’s easy sitting here typing all this up. I’ve been here many times before and had set backs. I do have a reason to push hard this time though and it will definitely pay off if I can stick to it. Just before the schools broke up, I was in a good strong fit place. I was carrying a little bit too much fat, but I was strong and active. Strength and fitness wise I was in a good place. I need to get back there first…